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如何使用 Alembic 修改外键

[英]How to alter foreignkey with Alembic

I handle my PostgreSQL migrations with Alembic .我使用Alembic处理我的 PostgreSQL 迁移。 This is how I create a table items :这就是我创建表items的方式:

from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa

def upgrade():
    items_table = op.create_table(
        sa.Column("id", UUID(as_uuid=True), primary_key=True),
        sa.Column("user_id", UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False),

I'd like to make a new migration file to add ondelete="CASCADE" after the sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(...) .我想制作一个新的迁移文件以在sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(...)之后添加ondelete="CASCADE" How can I do this using sqlalchemy ?我怎样才能使用sqlalchemy做到这一点? How do I drop the ForeignKeyConstraint and create a new one?如何删除ForeignKeyConstraint并创建一个新的? Or do I need to drop the whole table and create it again?或者我是否需要删除整个表并重新创建它?

It's something that alembic can actually autogenerate, it would drop current constraint and create a new one.这是 alembic 实际上可以自动生成的东西,它会丢弃当前约束并创建一个新约束。 I have a pretty simple model in this repository我在这个存储库中有一个非常简单的模型

We can add a self referential relationship as an example:我们可以添加一个自引用关系作为例子:

parent_id: Mapped[int] = Column(ForeignKey("book.id"))
def upgrade() -> None:
    op.add_column("book", sa.Column("parent_id", sa.Integer(), nullable=True))
        op.f("fk_book_parent_id_book"), "book", "book", ["parent_id"], ["id"]

def downgrade() -> None:
    op.drop_constraint(op.f("fk_book_parent_id_book"), "book", type_="foreignkey")
    op.drop_column("book", "parent_id")

If we add ondelete="CASCADE" to it alembic would create new constraint and drop the old one:如果我们将ondelete="CASCADE"添加到它,alembic 将创建新约束并删除旧约束:

parent_id: Mapped[int] = Column(ForeignKey("book.id", ondelete="CASCADE"))
def upgrade() -> None:
    op.drop_constraint("fk_book_parent_id_book", "book", type_="foreignkey")

def downgrade() -> None:
    op.drop_constraint(op.f("fk_book_parent_id_book"), "book", type_="foreignkey")
        "fk_book_parent_id_book", "book", "book", ["parent_id"], ["id"]

You may need to add您可能需要添加


to your context.configure call in alembic/env.py , it's covered in alembic documentationalembic/env.py中的context.configure调用,它包含在 alembic 文档

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