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如何在使用 MinimalApi 时配置 json Name Case 策略

[英]How to configure json Name Case policy while using MinimalApi

I'm trying to get result from my minimal API who configured in endpoints of my MVC web application my Get action configured like this:我正在尝试从我的最小 API 获取结果,这些 API 在我的 MVC Web 应用程序的端点中配置,我的 Get 操作配置如下:

                async ([FromServicesAttribute] CurrencyService curency) =>
                var result = await DataSourceLoader.LoadAsync(curency.Get(), new DataSourceLoadOptions());

                return Results.Ok(result);

As result i get response with object where property names changed to lowercase, and its not suit for me.结果,我得到了属性名称更改为小写的对象的响应,它不适合我。 I want to get exactly same name in same case like i return form action.我想在相同的情况下获得完全相同的名称,就像我返回表单操作一样。

To get similar effect in MVC i used this code:为了在 MVC 中获得类似的效果,我使用了这段代码:

            .AddFluentValidation(x => x.RegisterValidatorsFromAssembly(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Where(x => x.FullName.Contains("ApplicationCore")).Single()))
            .AddMvcOptions(options =>{})
            .AddJsonOptions(options =>
                options.JsonSerializerOptions.PropertyNamingPolicy = null;
                options.JsonSerializerOptions.ReferenceHandler = ReferenceHandler.IgnoreCycles;

Which setup property naming policy for Json while using action in controllers, and i dont know how to setup same policy for minimalApi.在控制器中使用操作时为 Json 设置属性命名策略,我不知道如何为 minimalApi 设置相同的策略。

What Ive tried is to set [JsonPropertyName(name)] And it working good but we have lot of classes and i looking for more global solution.我试过的是设置[JsonPropertyName(name)]并且效果很好,但我们有很多类,我正在寻找更全局的解决方案。

I also tried configure JsonOptions globally like this:我还尝试像这样全局配置 JsonOptions:

        services.Configure<JsonOptions>(options =>
            options.JsonSerializerOptions.PropertyNamingPolicy = null;
            options.JsonSerializerOptions.ReferenceHandler = ReferenceHandler.IgnoreCycles;

But it do nothing但它什么都不做

Use JsonOptions from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Json namespace ( docs ):使用Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Json命名空间( 文档)中的JsonOptions

builder.Services.Configure<JsonOptions>(options =>
    options.SerializerOptions.PropertyNamingPolicy = null;
    options.SerializerOptions.ReferenceHandler = ReferenceHandler.IgnoreCycles;

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