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Debug.Print 二维数组值

[英]Debug.Print 2D array Value

Hello ı have strange array as variant.你好我有奇怪的数组作为变体。 I want to print Name key value but ı don't know how to declare it.我想打印名称键值,但我不知道如何声明它。 I try run the line below but it can't works.我尝试运行下面的行,但它不起作用。

Debug.Print vBodies(0,Name) or Debug.Print vBodies(0).Name


This is not 100% solution but it might help to show the array fields name这不是 100% 的解决方案,但它可能有助于显示数组字段名称

          ' arr is the array to check
           Dim subarr as Variant
           For Each subarr In arr
                  Debug.Print subarr & " : " & arr(subarr)

You need to cast vBodies(0) to SldWorks.Body2 Object to access its properties您需要将 vBodies(0) 转换为 SldWorks.Body2 对象以访问其属性

Dim swBody As SldWorks.Body2
Set swBody = vBodies(0)
Debug.Print swBody.Name

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