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[英]Speech-to-text Recognition is not accurate

I am trying to implement Speech-to-text recognition in my React website, and I am using the react-speech-recognition package from npm.我正在尝试在我的 React 网站中实现语音到文本识别,并且我正在使用 npm 的react-speech-recognition包。 I am using the exact code they have specified in the package description over here: npm我正在使用他们在此处的包描述中指定的确切代码: npm
Now it works with everyday speech, anything I say, but when I induce technical jargon, it goes way off!现在它适用于日常演讲,我说的任何话,但当我引入技术术语时,它就会消失!

Here's what I am trying to say to it, it's aviation jargon:这是我想对它说的话,这是航空行话:

Cleared to enter the CTR, not above 1500 feet, join and report on a right downwind runway 19, QNH 1018, squak 2732

This is what I get in response:这是我得到的回应:

please to enter the city are not above 15 feet heart penetrate join and report on a ride on the wind blown away 9 theme

What else do I need to do to fix the accuracy of the recognition? 我还需要做什么来修复识别的准确性?

That package leverages the Speech Recognition Interface of your browser'sWeb Speech API .该包利用浏览器的Web Speech API语音识别接口 The React Library's API allows you to get the underlying SpeechRecognition object via a call to the getRecognition() method. React 库的 API 允许您通过调用getRecognition()方法获取底层SpeechRecognition对象。

The underlying SpeechRecognition object's API allows for the addition of Grammars using the JSpeech Grammar Format .底层 SpeechRecognition 对象的 API 允许使用JSpeech Grammar Format 添加语法 Here's an example . 这是一个例子 So in theory, you could provide more information about the words you're expecting to hear in your app, and thereby improve performance.因此从理论上讲,您可以提供有关您希望在应用中听到的单词的更多信息,从而提高性能。

But there are caveats, including:但也有一些注意事项,包括:

  • There is very limited browser support for the speech recognition generally, and for the addition of grammars, specifically.通常, 浏览器对语音识别的支持非常有限,特别是对添加语法的支持。 Obviously if you don't have control over what browser your users will be using, that means the quality of recognition will vary, and might not work at all if you don't use Polyfills .显然,如果您无法控制用户将使用的浏览器,这意味着识别质量会有所不同,并且如果您不使用 Polyfills可能根本无法工作。
  • Depending on how the speech recognition is implemented, things like hardware configuration and the Operating System may impact speech recognition results.根据语音识别的实现方式,硬件配置和操作系统等因素可能会影响语音识别结果。
  • Speech recognition is an extremely inexact science.语音识别是一门极其不精确的科学。 The best automatic speech recognition software/services only boast about 85% accuracy, even with ordinary speech.即使是普通语音,最好的自动语音识别软件/服务也只有 85% 左右的准确率。 The ones built into your browser probably won't be even that good.内置于您的浏览器中的那些可能不会那么好。

You may be able to get better accuracy from cloud-based speech services.您可能能够从基于云的语音服务中获得更高的准确性。 Azure Cognitive Services , for example, allows you to create custom voice models, custom grammars, etc. Of course, they also charge you based on usage, and they charge more if you're using customizations.例如, Azure Cognitive Services允许您创建自定义语音模型、自定义语法等。当然,他们也会根据使用情况向您收费,如果您使用自定义,他们会收取更多费用。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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