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Flutter 上两个 TextFormField 之间的固定空间

[英]Fixed space between two TextFormField on Flutter

I'm trying to create an app for my work with login and signup form.我正在尝试使用登录和注册表单为我的工作创建一个应用程序。

The page is ok, but there is a litte problem: on each TextFormField there is a validator for check the field, but when appears the error message below the field, the other fields goes down.页面没问题,但有一个小问题:在每个 TextFormField 上都有一个用于检查字段的验证器,但是当该字段下方出现错误消息时,其他字段将关闭。

The question is: how can I fix the textfields?问题是:如何修复文本字段?

This is a gif demostration: https://ibb.co/VwNn2f0这是一个 gif 演示: https ://ibb.co/VwNn2f0

I try to use padding or other method finded here or on google, but I didn't find a solution.我尝试使用填充或在这里或在谷歌上找到的其他方法,但我没有找到解决方案。

you could wrap your TextField with a SizedBox and set a height for it:您可以用SizedBox包装TextField并为其设置高度:

  height: 80,
  child: TextFormField(
    validator: myValidator,

or you can also set a style for the error text, with a 0 height:或者您也可以为错误文本设置样式,高度为 0:

  decoration: InputDecoration(
    errorStyle: TextStyle(height: 0),

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