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[英]Kafka partition distribution across consumers in a consumer group

Am I right that, at every moment of time, partition distribution across consumers in a consumer group follows the Dirichlet box principle, if number of consumers is smaller than number of partitions?我是对的,在任何时候,如果消费者数量小于分区数量,消费者组中消费者之间的分区分布遵循 Dirichlet 盒原则? Ie if the consumer group has N consumers and a topic has M partitions and N < M, N-1 consumers got by one partition assigned to each, and the N-th consumer got M - N + 1 partitions.也就是说,如果消费者组有 N 个消费者,一个主题有 M 个分区,并且 N < M,则 N-1 个消费者通过分配给每个消费者的一个分区获得,而第 N 个消费者获得 M - N + 1 个分区。

Some consumer will have multiple assigned partitions, yes.一些消费者会有多个分配的分区,是的。 It's not guaranteed to be the Nth-1 consumer that's started, or consecutive partitions assigned.不能保证是启动的第 N-1 个消费者,或分配的连续分区。

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