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Arduino 从 SD 卡读取最后一行

[英]Arduino read last line from SD Card

I am pretty new to Arduino business.我对 Arduino 业务还很陌生。 How do I read the last line from a SD Card?如何从 SD 卡读取最后一行? With following code snippet I can read the first line (all characters before "\n").使用以下代码片段,我可以阅读第一行(“\n”之前的所有字符)。 Now I would like to include a "backwards" statement (or something).现在我想包括一个“向后”的声明(或其他)。

My code so far:到目前为止我的代码:

#include <SD.h>
#include <SPI.h>
File SD_File;
int pinCS = 10;
char cr;
void setup() {

  SD_File = SD.open("test.txt", FILE_WRITE);  

  SD_File = SD.open("test.txt");
    cr = SD_File.read();
    if((cr == '\n') && ("LAST LINE?"))

You can use methods of class File like seek and position and methods of base class for File the Stream class , for example method find .您可以使用File 类的方法,例如seekposition以及 File Stream 类的基类方法,例如方法find

Method seek sets the reading or writing position for the opened file.方法seek设置打开文件的读取或写入位置。

  File file = SD.open("datalog.txt");
  if (file) {
    uint32_t lineStart = 0;
    while (file.available()) {
      lineStart = file.position();
      if (!file.find((char*) "\n"))
    while (file.available()) {
  } else {
    Serial.println("error opening datalog.txt");

Here a faster method, reading the whole file can be quite slow when dealing with large files.这是一种更快的方法,在处理大文件时读取整个文件可能会很慢。

// rewinds the file to the last occurrence of char c.
// returns 0 on error

int reverseFind(File& f, char c)
    for(unsigned long pos = f.position(); pos != 0 && f.seek(pos); --pos)
        int rd = f.peek();
        if (rd < 0)
            return 0;

        // found! 
        if (rd == (c & 0xFF))
            return 1;
    return (f.peek() == (c & 0xFF));

// seeks to the beginning of th elast line in the file.
// returns 0 on error.
int seekLastLine(File& f)
    if (!file.seek(f.size() - 2))  // -2 because last line could have a line ending..
        return 0;

    // find end of previous line.    
    if (reverseFind(f, '\n'))
        return (f.read() != -1); // move forward to beginning of line

    // if we're at beginning of file, then the first line is the last line.
    if (f.position() == 0)
        return 1;
   // we should logically never reach unless there was some I/O error.
   return 0;


File f;
char buf[32];

if (seekLastLine(f))
    unsigned long len = f.size() - f.position();
    if (len > 32)
        // ERROR! our read buffer is too small.
    else if (!f.read(buf, len))
        // deal with/log I/0 error...
        // do something with line of data in buf.

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