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[英]How to get unselected column in typeorm?

I create a user entity with password-我用密码创建了一个用户实体-

export class User {
    id: number;
    @Column({ type: "text", nullable: false })
    userName: string;
    @Column({ type: "text", nullable: false })
    email: string;
    @Column({ type: "text", nullable: false })
    firstName: string;
    @Column({ type: "text", nullable: false })
    lastName: string;
    @Column({ type: "text", nullable: false, select: false }) //It is select as false
    password: string;
    @Column({ type: "text", nullable: true })
    socket_id: string;
    @Column({ type: "text", nullable: true })
    avatar: string;
    @Column({ type: "boolean", default: false, nullable: false })
    is_verify: boolean;
    created_at: Date;
    updated_at: Date;

In this entity , I set select as false .在此entity中,我将select设置为false When I find it, now password I am not seeing password column.当我找到它时,现在password我没有看到password列。 It's okay for me.对我来说没关系。

But some time I need this password column to verify password.但有时我需要这个密码列来验证密码。 Then I how can I find this column.那我怎么才能找到这个专栏。 I am not getting any idea.我不知道。 Please help any-请帮助任何-

const user = await this.userRepository.findOneBy({
    email: loginInput.email,
    is_verify: true

What things I have to change in this code to get password column also.我还必须在此代码中更改哪些内容才能获取密码列。

You can select hidden column :你可以select 隐藏栏目

const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({
  where: {
    email: loginInput.email,
    is_verify: true,

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