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如何从 Excel JS 获取工作表选项(从左到右或从右到左)

[英]How can I get the Sheet Options (Left to right or right to left) from Excel JS

I have an Excel file that is written in Right to Left instead of the default layout Left to Right.我有一个 Excel 文件,它是从右到左而不是从左到右的默认布局编写的。 (You can change the sheet options by going into Page Layout -> Sheet Options -> select Sheet Right-To-Left ). (您可以通过进入 Page Layout -> Sheet Options -> select Sheet Right-To-Left来更改工作表选项)。 How can I figure out which direction my page is when creating an add-in?创建加载项时如何确定我的页面的方向? It seems like it should be part of the Excel.PageLayout class, but it isn't.它似乎应该是 Excel.PageLayout class 的一部分,但事实并非如此。

The Office JavaScript API (OfficeJS) doesn't provide any property or method for that. Office JavaScript API (OfficeJS) 没有为此提供任何属性或方法。 The Excel.PageLayout class doesn't provide anything for that. Excel.PageLayout class 没有为此提供任何东西。 You can post or vote for an existing feature request on Tech Community where they are considered when the Office dev team goes through the planning process.您可以在Tech Community上发布或投票支持现有功能请求,Office 开发团队在规划过程中会考虑这些请求。

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