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[英]Taking fee and payment reservation Stripe

Pretty new to Stripe, we're building an online marketplace.作为 Stripe 的新手,我们正在构建一个在线市场。 Each user can buy assets from any other user.每个用户都可以从任何其他用户那里购买资产。 We also take fees for each payment.我们还对每笔付款收取费用。

We go with connected accounts.我们 go 有关联账户。 Seller goes through the onboarding flow (create connected account, create account link etc), while buyer is registered as a customer of our platform on Stripe.卖家完成入职流程(创建关联账户、创建账户链接等),而买家在 Stripe 上注册为我们平台的客户。

Now, whenever buyer makes a payment we create a payment intent to pay to us (amount + 20% fee via):现在,每当买家付款时,我们都会创建付款意向以支付给我们(金额 + 20% 费用通过):


Then we create new payout to seller (amount) using source transaction from payment intent above:然后我们使用来自上面支付意向的源交易创建给卖家的新支付(金额):

await stripe.transfers.create({
            amount: payment.amount * 100,
            currency: payment.currency,
            destination: seller.stripeAccountId,
            source_transaction: sourceTransaction,

Is this the preferred and best way of handling this?这是处理此问题的首选和最佳方法吗? In terms of time, we need first to wait for payment to settle to our bank account to be able to payout seller?在时间上,我们需要先等待付款到我们的银行帐户才能付款给卖家吗?

Is there any better way of doing this instead of manual payouts?有没有比手动付款更好的方法? Is there a way to make direct transfer to connected account when user does payment?有没有办法在用户付款时直接转账到关联账户? I tried with payment intent, specifying connected account id in request, but API is complaining that customer id is on our platform but account id is specified, so it's not possible obviously.我尝试了付款意图,在请求中指定了连接的帐户 ID,但是 API 抱怨客户 ID 在我们的平台上,但指定了帐户 ID,所以这显然是不可能的。

Also, manual payouts would come handy to simulate payment escrow/deposit.此外,手动支付可以方便地模拟支付托管/存款。 When user create a request for some asset, we would immediately transfer certain amount to our account, like reserving that amount.当用户创建某个资产的请求时,我们会立即将一定数量的资产转移到我们的帐户中,例如保留该数量。 And if the seller accepts the offer, we would do a payout.如果卖家接受报价,我们会付款。 If seller rejects the offer, we would do payout to the buyer, giving him back his money.如果卖家拒绝报价,我们将向买家付款,退还他的钱。

Does this make sense?这有意义吗?

Thanks in advance提前致谢

You don't need Payout (yet) in your use case.在您的用例中您不需要支付(还)。 You are doing Separate Charges and Transfers , and fund simply moves from your Account's balance to Connected Account's balance .您正在进行单独的收费和转账,资金只是从您的账户余额转移到关联账户的余额 It hasn't been out of your Connected Account's balance to your Connected Account's bank account yet, which is called "Payout".尚未从您关联账户的余额中划出您关联账户的银行账户,这称为“支付”。

In another word, Payout is separated process than Charges and Transfers.换句话说,支付是不同于收费和转账的独立过程。 Charges and Transfers can happen immediately, and Payouts normally happen later on a daily basis or manually.收费和转账可以立即发生,支付通常每天晚些时候发生或手动发生。

Find more explanation on Connect Balance .Connect Balance上查找更多说明。 There is also Destination Charge which is simpler than Separate Charges and Transfers .还有比单独收费和转账更简单的目的地收费 I recommend Destination Charge unless you have specific reason to use Separate Charges and Transfers, ie.我推荐目的地收费,除非您有特定理由使用单独收费和转账,即。 you need to transfer to multiple Connected Accounts on one payment.您需要一次付款转账到多个关联账户。

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