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我如何使用渲染图像下方的字段和数据表<p:panelgrid> ?</p:panelgrid>

[英]How can I render the fields and datatable below image using <p:panelGrid>?

I have no idea how to render the below image with input fields and datatable with the exact alignment in UI.我不知道如何在 UI 中使用准确的 alignment 渲染带有输入字段和数据表的下图。

I refered some documentation with examples,but i can't find the pattern for datatable.Attached the image below.Kindly share your thoughts for this as outline.我参考了一些带有示例的文档,但我找不到数据表的模式。附上下面的图片。请分享您对此的想法作为大纲。


I would consider using PrimeFlex instead of p:panelGrid .我会考虑使用 PrimeFlex 而不是p:panelGrid

You basically need a 3 column grid layout.您基本上需要一个 3 列网格布局。 See the first example: https://www.primefaces.org/primeflex/gridsystem看第一个例子: https://www.primefaces.org/primeflex/gridsystem

An the input can be done using form layout.可以使用表单布局完成输入。 See the horizontal examples: https://www.primefaces.org/primeflex/formlayout横向例子见: https://www.primefaces.org/primeflex/formlayout

For the data.table, simply use the p:dataTable .对于 data.table,只需使用p:dataTable See: https://www.primefaces.org/showcase/ui/data/datatable/basic.xhtml参见: https://www.primefaces.org/showcase/ui/data/datatable/basic.xhtml

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