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如何使用 HERE 地理编码和搜索 api 检索某个地方的图像?

[英]How to retrieve images for a place using HERE Geocoding and Search api?

I am doing a POC for one of my projects using HERE Geocoding and Search api. I want to search places around a given latitude and longitude and need details of those places including an image/images.我正在使用 HERE 地理编码和搜索 api 为我的一个项目做 POC。我想搜索给定纬度和经度周围的地点,并需要这些地点的详细信息,包括图像。 I am using https://browse.search.hereapi.com/v1/browse?at=47.80049,3.57119&limit=2&categories=700-7600-0000,700-7600-0116&apiKey={YOUR_API_KEY} which returns all details of places but without image related details.我正在使用https://browse.search.hereapi.com/v1/browse?at=47.80049,3.57119&limit=2&categories=700-7600-0000,700-7600-0116&apiKey={YOUR_API_KEY}返回地点的所有详细信息但是没有图像相关的细节。 So I tried to use https://lookup.search.hereapi.com/v1/lookup?id=here:pds:place:276u33dc-2ba407e1181849c9a761a336b8df1805&apiKey={YOUR_API_KEY} where id is returned as one of the attributes in response of previous /browse call, but again this returns same details (without image) as retuned by /browse api. I tried to follow this documentation https://developer.here.com/documentation/geocoding-search-api/migration_guide/migration-places/topics-api/place-details.html but it doesn't help much.所以我尝试使用https://lookup.search.hereapi.com/v1/lookup?id=here:pds:place:276u33dc-2ba407e1181849c9a761a336b8df1805&apiKey={YOUR_API_KEY}其中id作为响应先前/browse的属性之一返回/browse调用,但这再次返回与/browse api 重新调整相同的详细信息(无图像)。我尝试遵循此文档https://developer.here.com/documentation/geocoding-search-api/migration_guide/migration-places/ topics-api/place-details.html但它并没有多大帮助。 So is there a way to retrieve image/images for places using HERE Geocoding and Search api. I would be grateful if some one can share their experience or guide me to correct documentation.那么有没有一种方法可以使用 HERE 地理编码和搜索 api 来检索地点的图像/图像。如果有人可以分享他们的经验或指导我更正文档,我将不胜感激。

The Media Type attributes are currently not returned in GS7 apis.媒体类型属性当前未在 GS7 api 中返回。 The same is told in the below document.在下面的文件中也有同样的说法。 https://developer.here.com/documentation/geocoding-search-api/migration_guide/migration-places/topics-api/place-details.html https://developer.here.com/documentation/geocoding-search-api/migration_guide/migration-places/topics-api/place-details.html

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