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Codename 一个前端 Spring Boot back-end

[英]Codename One front-end with Spring Boot back-end

I have a test Codename One project that includes a Spring boot project as an included module.我有一个测试代号 One 项目,其中包含一个 Spring 引导项目作为包含模块。 我的测试项目布局

Everything runs fine with the Spring Boot server and cn1 simulator.使用 Spring 启动服务器和 cn1 模拟器,一切运行良好。 I tried using the cn1 build server to generate an.apk to test on my smartphone.我尝试使用 cn1 构建服务器生成 .apk 以在我的智能手机上进行测试。 The app opens ok, but there is a.network error in the connection to the target uri.应用程序打开正常,但在与目标 uri 的连接中出现网络错误。

It's not a module.它不是一个模块。 It's a separate project.这是一个单独的项目。 The Spring Boot application runs on the desktop but it can't run in the device and we won't build it into a native application. Spring Boot 应用程序在桌面上运行,但不能在设备中运行,我们不会将其构建为本机应用程序。 It can serve as a backed on a server which the device needs to "see" which means you need a web address that's accessible by the device.它可以作为设备需要“看到”的服务器上的支持,这意味着您需要设备可以访问的 web 地址。

If it's on your local machine and you're connected to the local.network you need to allow HTTP access (Android requires HTTPS by default) by using this .如果它在你的本地机器上并且你连接到 local.network 你需要允许 HTTP 访问(Android 默认需要 HTTPS)通过使用这个.


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