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加载数据 infile 时出错:第 392 行的 user_type 列数据被截断。第 393 行中的 user_type 为空

[英]Error during Load data infile: Data truncated for column user_type at row 392. user_type is empty in row 393

load data infile "C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 8.0/Uploads/Table-2 events.csv" 
into table events 
fields terminated by "," 
lines terminated by "\r\n" 
ignore 1 lines 
(user_id, occurred_at, event_type, event_name, location, user_type, device);

It repeatedly shows the Data truncated error.它反复显示数据截断错误。 Describing table shows that it is allowed to have null values.描述表显示允许有 null 个值。 The datatype is double.数据类型是双精度的。 At Row 393 onwards the column starts to have null values, which is what is the problem I guess.从第 393 行开始,该列开始有 null 个值,我猜这就是问题所在。 How do I resolve this?我该如何解决这个问题?

Initially the column user_type was the last column so I even tried rearranging (thinking its a newline character problem) but that did not resolve it.最初列 user_type 是最后一列,所以我什至尝试重新排列(认为它是换行符问题)但这并没有解决它。 I even changed the data type to int to see if it would help, and no it didn't我什至将数据类型更改为 int 以查看是否有帮助,但没有

This is how it looks这是它的样子

Field场地 Type类型 Null Null
user_id用户身份 double双倍的 YES是的
occurred_at发生在 text文本 YES是的
event_type事件类型 text文本 YES是的
event_name事件名称 text文本 YES是的
location地点 text文本 YES是的
user_type用户类型 double双倍的 YES是的
device设备 text文本 YES是的

This is how the csv file looks at around 392这就是 csv 文件在 392 左右的样子

11768,01-05-2014 08:05,engagement,home_page,France,3,macbook pro
11768,01-05-2014 08:05,engagement,like_message,France,3,macbook pro
11769,01-05-2014 02:37,signup_flow,create_user,United Kingdom,,lenovo thinkpad
11770,01-05-2014 06:07,signup_flow,create_user,Japan,,iphone 5s
11770,01-05-2014 06:07,signup_flow,enter_email,Japan,,iphone 5s
11770,01-05-2014 06:08,signup_flow,enter_info,Japan,,iphone 5s
11770,01-05-2014 06:08,signup_flow,complete_signup,Japan,3,iphone 5s
11770,01-05-2014 06:08,engagement,login,Japan,3,iphone 5s
11770,01-05-2014 06:09,engagement,like_message,Japan,3,iphone 5s

Empty values can be handled using input preprocessing see manual https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/load-data.html可以使用输入预处理处理空值,请参见手册https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/load-data.html

for example例如

load data infile 'C:\\ProgramData\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 8.0\\Uploads\\data.txt'
into table t 
fields terminated by ',' 
lines terminated by '\r\n'
#ignore 1 lines 
, occurred_at, event_type, event_name, location, @user_type, device
set user_type=case when @user_type = '' then null else @user_type end;

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