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Flutter FlutterFire 安装

[英]Flutter FlutterFire installation

I'm struggling with installing flutterfire on my Android Studio.我正在努力在我的 Android Studio 上安装 flutterfire。 I've successfully logged in with my account to Firebase, using firebase-tools-instant-win .我已经使用 firebase firebase-tools-instant-win使用我的帐户成功登录到 Firebase。 I've successfully installed flutterfire in Android Studio, using the command line:我已经使用命令行在 Android Studio 中成功安装了 flutterfire:

dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli

It automatically added flutterfire_cli: ^0.2.7 to dependencies.它自动将flutterfire_cli: ^0.2.7添加到依赖项中。 But now when I try to run the command line flutterfire configure it shows me this message:但是现在,当我尝试运行命令行flutterfire configure时,它向我显示了这条消息:

ERROR: The FlutterFire CLI currently requires the official Firebase CLI to also be installed, see https://firebase.错误:FlutterFire CLI 目前还需要安装官方 Firebase CLI,请参阅 https://firebase。 google.com/docs/cli#install_the_firebase_cli for how to install it. google.com/docs/cli#install_the_firebase_cli 了解如何安装它。

I've also checked the env table and added the required PATH for firebase, but I still get the same error message.我还检查了 env 表并为 firebase 添加了所需的 PATH,但我仍然收到相同的错误消息。

To not forget to mention, there are no firebase tools like (.firebase, firebase.json) in my project.别忘了提一下,我的项目中没有像 (.firebase, firebase.json) 这样的 firebase 工具。

Am I doing something wrong?难道我做错了什么?

You have to install firebase-cli to use flutterfire configure use this command:您必须安装 firebase firebase-cli才能使用 flutterfire 配置使用此命令:

npm install -g firebase-tools

ensure that you have installed node installed确保您已安装node

Here is the documentation you have to follow in case you don't have node.js or if you need any information: Firebase CLI documentation如果您没有 node.js 或需要任何信息,则必须遵循以下文档:Firebase CLI 文档

you have to install firebase-cli to use flutterfire configure use this command:您必须安装 firebase-cli 才能使用 flutterfire 配置使用此命令:

npm install -g firebase-tools npm 安装-g firebase-tools

ensure that you have installed node installed确保您已安装节点

Here is the documentation you have to follow in case you don't have node.js or if you need any information: Firebase CLI documentation如果您没有 node.js 或需要任何信息,则必须遵循以下文档:Firebase CLI 文档

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