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Discord.py 运行我的代码时出现 VSCode 错误:NameError: name 'TOKEN' is not defined

[英]Discord.py VSCode error when running my code: NameError: name 'TOKEN' is not defined

so i was trying to run my discord bot and it said NameError: name 'TOKEN' is not defined所以我试图运行我的 discord 机器人,它说 NameError: name 'TOKEN' is not defined

import discord

client = discord.Client()

client.run (TOKEN)


this is my code tell me what is wrong这是我的代码 告诉我哪里出了问题

Try defining the token before you use it.在使用之前尝试定义令牌。

import discord

    client = discord.Client()
    TOKEN = "Insert Token Here"

You defined your token after you referenced it.您在引用令牌后定义了令牌。 Put the token definition before client.run(token) .将令牌定义放在client.run(token)之前。

import discord

client = discord.Client()

TOKEN = 'token'


Also, even though you reset your token, we request that you obfuscate it anyway.此外,即使您重置了您的令牌,我们仍然要求您混淆它。 It is for security and readability.这是为了安全性和可读性。

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