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动态更改 ngx-datatable-column 名称

[英]Change the ngx-datatable-column name dynamically

I'm using a component ngx-datatable angular version 9. I'm trying change the props name dynamically using a *ngIf command.我正在使用组件ngx-datatable angular 版本 9。我正在尝试使用 *ngIf 命令动态更改道具name

Problem: I want to using a attribute the list to show the right name.问题:我想使用列表的属性来显示正确的名称。


    <ngx-datatable-column *ngIf="id == 0 "
      name="{{ 'name1' | translate }}"
   <ngx-datatable-column *ngIf="id == 1 "
      name="{{ 'name2' | translate }}"
      <ng-template let-value="value" ngx-datatable-cell-template>
        <span title="{{ value }}">
          {{ value | fullName }}

The name1 and name2 are in the pt.json . name1name2pt.json中。 And the id is the [rows]="list" attribute. id[rows]="list"属性。 Of course doesn't work.当然不行。 Does anyone have any idea how to change the ngx-datatable-column props name dynamically?有谁知道如何动态更改ngx-datatable-column道具name

It's a beginner question.这是一个初学者的问题。 The correct way to do show the props's ngx-datatable-column name is to with in the .html file write like this:显示道具的ngx-datatable-column name的正确方法是在.html文件中这样写:

      <ng-template ngx-datatable-header-template>
          <span>{{ getName() }}</span>
      <ng-template let-value="value" ngx-datatable-cell-template>
        <span title="{{ value }}">
          {{ value | fullName }}
      </ng-templa`enter code here`te>
    </ngx-datatable-column>`enter code here`

And in the .ts file you create a method getName() with the condition to show name dinamicatilly..ts文件中,您创建了一个方法getName() ,条件是动态显示name

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