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如何修复 TypeError: 'str' object 不可调用?

[英]How to fix TypeError: 'str' object is not callable?


Try to simplfy the my question here, so used a,b, & c instead.尝试在这里简化我的问题,所以改用 a,b, & c。

Even though I copied the tutorial's answer and run it through Colaboratoy, it still show TypeError:'str' object is not callable.即使我复制了教程的答案并通过 Colaboratoy 运行它,它仍然显示 TypeError:'str' object is not callable。

Why is that?这是为什么?

Thank you.谢谢你。

you might somewhere have declared the print as a variable.您可能在某个地方将 print 声明为变量。 eg: print = "sample" .例如: print = "sample" So restart the session or execute del print command and try executing your code.因此,重新启动 session 或执行del print命令并尝试执行您的代码。

    del print

Try executing the above code, also follow the below rules while naming a variable in python.尝试执行上面的代码,在 python 中命名变量时也遵循以下规则。

  • The identifier must start with a letter or an underscore (_).标识符必须以字母或下划线 (_) 开头。
  • The identifier can contain letters, digits, and underscores.标识符可以包含字母、数字和下划线。
  • The identifier cannot be a reserved word.标识符不能是保留字。

Here are some examples of valid and invalid identifier names in Python:以下是 Python 中有效和无效标识符名称的一些示例:

# Valid identifier names

# Invalid identifier names
123invalid  # cannot start with a digit
for  # for is a reserved word

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