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ASP.NET Core中如何获取最顶层缓存?

[英]How to get the topmost caching in ASP.NET Core?

I'm building a CMS.我正在构建一个 CMS。 Every image would get a GUID.每个图像都会获得一个 GUID。 This means that even if user edit an image, it would be saved with a new GUID.这意味着即使用户编辑图像,它也会使用新的 GUID 保存。

Thus I want to cache the image for the topmost possible cache.因此,我想为最顶层的缓存缓存图像。 In fact I want to cache it forever.事实上,我想永远缓存它。

ASP.NEt Core's Docs has a long list of options. ASP.NEt Core 的文档有一长串选项。

I'm not sure what option gives me the most caching time.我不确定哪个选项给我最多的缓存时间。

What should I do to cache my images forever?我应该怎么做才能永远缓存我的图像?

you can use memoryCache Caching.Memory and set CacheItemPriority to NeverRemove您可以使用memoryCache Caching.Memory并将CacheItemPriority设置为NeverRemove

use the memoryCache in .NET Core使用 .NET Core 中的 memoryCache

  1. install Caching.Memory from nuget.从 nuget 安装Caching.Memory

  2. in your Startup.cs file, you need to introduce MemoryCache在你的 Startup.cs 文件中,你需要引入 MemoryCache

  3. inject to Controler注入控制器

    public class myContoroler: Controller { private readonly MemoryCache _memoryCache; public myContoroler(IMemoryCache memoryCache) { _memoryCache = memoryCache; } }

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