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[英]How to create solr password hash

From solr documentation to create a user I need to add following lines to security.json config file:从 solr 文档创建一个用户,我需要将以下行添加到security.json配置文件:

    "solr":"IV0EHq1OnNrj6gvRCwvFwTrZ1+z1oBbnQdiVC3otuq0= Ndd7LKvVBAaZIF0QAVi1ekCfAJXr1GGfLtRUXhgrF8c="

I know that under authentication.credentials the key solr is the username and value IV0EHq1OnNrj6gvRCwvFwTrZ1+z1oBbnQdiVC3otuq0= Ndd7LKvVBAaZIF0QAVi1ekCfAJXr1GGfLtRUXhgrF8c= is the hash of password SolrRocks .我知道在authentication.credentials下,密钥solr是用户名,值IV0EHq1OnNrj6gvRCwvFwTrZ1+z1oBbnQdiVC3otuq0= Ndd7LKvVBAaZIF0QAVi1ekCfAJXr1GGfLtRUXhgrF8c=是密码SolrRocks

But my question is, how can I generate that hash?但我的问题是,如何生成 hash?
The documentation does not mention it anywhere,该文档没有在任何地方提及它,
It does not look like md5 , sha1 , argon nor any hash known to me.它看起来不像md5sha1argon ,也不像我所知的任何 hash 。
After decoding the base64 it seems to be stored as some binary data.在解码 base64 之后,它似乎被存储为一些二进制数据。

What kind of hash is that, and how can I create it from bash?那是什么样的 hash,我如何从 bash 创建它?

You'd usually (use set-user in the Authentication API to add the user)[https://solr.apache.org/guide/solr/latest/deployment-guide/basic-authentication-plugin.html#add-a-user-or-edit-a-password].您通常(在身份验证 API 中使用set-user添加用户)[https://solr.apache.org/guide/solr/latest/deployment-guide/basic-authentication-plugin.html#add-a -用户或编辑密码]。

rmalchow on GitHub has created a standalone version for bash : GitHub 上的 rmalchow 为 bash 创建了一个独立版本

SALT=$(pwgen 48 -1)
echo "hash    : $(echo -n "$SALT$PW" | sha256sum -b | xxd -r -p | sha256sum -b | xxd -r -p | base64 -w 1024) $(echo -n "$SALT" | base64 -w1024)"

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