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sprintf 不添加带有转义字符的字符串

[英]sprintf doesn't add strings with escape character

I have this function which gets the given directory and filename and concat it by checking if the end of the directory contains / character and concatenating the string's for condition.我有这个 function,它获取给定的目录和文件名,并通过检查目录末尾是否包含 / 字符并连接字符串的 for 条件来连接它。 My problem is that when i give the function a directory name and filename if the filname has \ it does not concat the string correctly.我的问题是,当我给 function 一个目录名和文件名时,如果文件名有 \,它不会正确连接字符串。 but when if the file does not contain any \ the output will be given.How can i fix the issue?.但是当文件不包含任何\时,将给出 output。我该如何解决这个问题?。

Here is my C Code.这是我的 C 代码。

char * find_endwith_slash(char *dir_path, char *file_name)
    char full_path[1024];
    if (dir_path[strlen(dir_path) - 1] != '/')
        sprintf(full_path, "%s/%s", dir_path, file_name);
        sprintf(full_path, "%s%s", dir_path, file_name);

    char * full_name = malloc(strlen(full_path) * sizeof(char));
    full_name = strdup(full_path);

    return full_name;


A more proper approach to conditionally concatenating path and file name:有条件地连接路径和文件名的更合适的方法:

char * find_endwith_slash_alt(const char *dir_path, const char *file_name) {
  size_t d_length = strlen(dir_path);
  size_t f_length = strlen(file_name);
  if (d_length > 0 && dir_path[d_length-1] == `/`) {
  char *both = malloc(d_length + 1 + f_length + 1);
  if (both) {
    memcpy(both, dir_path, d_length);
    dir_path[d_length] = '/';
    memcpy(both + d_length + 1, file_name, f_length + 1);
  return both;

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