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Husky 准备脚本失败 firebase function 部署

[英]Husky prepare script failing firebase function deployment

I have installed husky in my npm project as a prepare script like below我在我的 npm 项目中安装了husky作为prepare脚本,如下所示

  "name": "functions",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "tsc",
    "start": "npm run serve",
    "deploy": "firebase deploy --only functions",
    "prepare": "husky install functions/.husky"
  "dependencies": {
    "firebase-admin": "^11.4.1",
    "firebase-functions": "^4.1.1",
  "devDependencies": {
    "husky": "^8.0.2",
    "typescript": "^4.9.4"

husky is declared as devDependencies as this npm module is only required while local development and has no need in runtime app. husky被声明为devDependencies ,因为这个 npm 模块仅在本地开发时才需要,在运行时应用程序中不需要。

So when I run npm run deploy , I get the below error因此,当我运行npm run deploy时,出现以下错误

i  functions: updating Node.js 16 function funName(us-central1)...
Build failed:

> prepare
> husky install functions/.husky

sh: 1: husky: not found
npm ERR! code 127
npm ERR! path /workspace
npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command sh -c -- husky install functions/.husky

This error clearly states that husky is not installed.这个错误很明显是没有安装husky

One possible solution is to create a prepare.js script which checks if the script is running while in local development or in the firebase server(to prepare the project) and then conditionally run the husky npm module command一种可能的解决方案是创建一个prepare.js脚本,该脚本检查脚本是否在本地开发或 firebase 服务器(准备项目)中运行,然后有条件地运行husky npm 模块命令

I just ran into this exact same issue but with tsc .我刚刚遇到了这个完全相同的问题,但遇到了tsc I'm not sure why, but the prepare script is also run in the cloud function (not just locally) while deploying.我不确定为什么,但是prepare脚本也在部署时在云 function(不仅仅是本地)中运行。 However, considering you likely have the node_modules directory in the functions.ignore list in the firebase.json, the node_modules directory doesn't get uploaded as part of the deployment and so the husky package isn't visible to the script when it gets run in the cloud function environment.但是,考虑到您可能在 firebase.json 的functions.ignore列表中有node_modules目录, husky目录不会作为部署的一部分上传,因此当脚本在云 function 环境。

You likely don't need the husky script to be run in the function environment either way, so you can add a condition to check for an environment variable that is usually set in the function environment (I am using the GOOGLE_FUNCTION_TARGET environment variable in my case), and only run the command if that environment is not set.您可能不需要 husky 脚本以任何方式在 function 环境中运行,因此您可以添加一个条件来检查通常在 function 环境中设置的环境变量(我在我的例子中使用GOOGLE_FUNCTION_TARGET环境变量),并且仅在未设置该环境时运行该命令。 You also need to wrap this in a bash script instead of adding it inline in the package.json because of how the prepare script is run.由于准备脚本的运行方式,您还需要将其包装在 bash 脚本中,而不是将其内联添加到 package.json 中。

For example, here's the content of my scripts/prepare.sh file.例如,这是我的scripts/prepare.sh文件的内容。

set -o verbose

# Only run if the GOOGLE_FUNCTION_TARGET is not set
if [[ -z "$GOOGLE_FUNCTION_TARGET" ]]; then
    npm run build

Then I use it in my package.json prepare script:然后我在我的 package.json 准备脚本中使用它:

// ...
"prepare": "./scripts/prepare.sh",
// ...

There's potentially a better solution to this, but this is how I got it to work for me.可能有更好的解决方案,但这就是我让它为我工作的方式。 Hope this helps!希望这可以帮助!

This SO answer is spot on and uses bash script. This SO answer is spot on and uses bash 脚本。 I used the same concept mentioned in the answer to write the prepare script in js in scripts/ folder with the name of prepare.mjs我使用答案中提到的相同概念在scripts/文件夹中用 js 编写准备脚本,名称为prepare.mjs

import * as path from "path";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";

const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);

// Firebase sets the GOOGLE_FUNCTION_TARGET when running in the firebase environment
const isFirebase = process.env.GOOGLE_FUNCTION_TARGET !== undefined;
if (!isFirebase) {
  process.chdir("../"); // path where .git file is present. In my case it was ..
  const husky = await import("husky");
  husky.install("functions/.husky"); // path where .husjy config file is present w.r.t. .git file

And in my package.json I have used the above script as follows在我的package.json中,我使用了上面的脚本如下

  "name": "functions",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "tsc",
    "start": "npm run serve",
    "deploy": "firebase deploy --only functions",
    "prepare": "node ./scripts/prepare.mjs"
  "dependencies": {
    "firebase-admin": "^11.4.1",
    "firebase-functions": "^4.1.1",
  "devDependencies": {
    "husky": "^8.0.2",
    "typescript": "^4.9.4"

This uses the environment variable( GOOGLE_FUNCTION_TARGET ) documented by the Google at the doc这使用了谷歌在文档中记录的环境变量( GOOGLE_FUNCTION_TARGET

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