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[英]footer at the bottom in mobile

I want to make my footer to always be at the bottom of my page but I am having a hard time with it.我想让我的页脚始终位于页面底部,但我很难做到。

I tried to position it absolute with a bottom margin of 0, and also tried the same with a fixed position but both were not results I was happy with.我尝试了 position 绝对值,底部边距为 0,并且还尝试了固定的 position,但两者都不是我满意的结果。

the absolute one didn't change anything,绝对的没有改变任何东西,

and I didn't like how the fixed position showed the footer at all times.而且我不喜欢固定的 position 如何始终显示页脚。

is there another way to go around this problem? go 有没有解决这个问题的另一种方法?

This should help you!这应该对你有帮助! Kas卡斯

 #footer{ background-color:lightgrey; position:fixed; bottom:0; width:100%; } #details{ list-style:none; display:flex; justify-content:space-evenly; gap:10px; }
 <h5>Footer Example<h5> <footer id = 'footer'> <ul id = 'details'> <li>Email</li> <li>Address</li> <li>Contact</li> <li>Logo</li> </ul> </footer>

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