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DynamoDB 在使用 TransactWrtieItems 时返回修改后的文档(旧的或新的)

[英]DynamoDB return the modified document (Old or new) when using TransactWrtieItems

Is there a way of making transactWriteItem return the document it updated?有没有办法让transactWriteItem返回它更新的文档?

const transactionParams = {
    ReturnConsumedCapacity: "INDEXES",
    TransactItems: [
        Delete: {
          TableName: reactionTableName,
          Key: {
          ReturnValues: 'ALL_OLD',
        Update: {
          TableName: reviewTableName,
          Key: { PK: "SOME_PK", SK: "SOME_SK" },
          ReturnValues: 'ALL_OLD',

  try {
    const result = await docClient.transactWrite(transactionParams).promise();
  } catch (error) {
    context.done(error, null);

For example in the above code get the documents that were touched (before or after update)?例如在上面的代码中获取被触摸的文档(更新之前或之后)?

No, TransactWriteItems API does not provide the ability to return values of a modified item, however, you could obtain those values using DynamoDB Streams, otherwise you would need to default to the singleton APIs UpdateItem/DeleteItem which are not ACID compliant together.不, TransactWriteItems API 不提供返回已修改项的值的能力,但是,您可以使用 DynamoDB Streams 获取这些值,否则您需要默认使用 singleton APIs UpdateItem/DeleteItem,它们不符合 ACID。

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