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我如何将 React Context 与 react-router-dom 一起使用?

[英]How can I use React Context with react-router-dom?


import { createContext } from "react";
export const AuthContext = createContext(null);


const App = () => {
  const isLogin = false;

  if (isLogin) {
    return (
      <RouterProvider router={privateRoute} />
  } else {
    return (
      <RouterProvider router={publicRoute} />

export default App;

I try to put <RouterProvider> in AuthContext like this:我尝试将<RouterProvider>放在AuthContext中,如下所示:

<AuthContext.RouterProvider router={privateRoute} />

and like this:像这样:

  <RouterProvider router={privateRoute} />

None of these options worked.这些选项都不起作用。 What am I doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么?

you are trying to use the AuthContext with the RouterProvider but AuthContext have no property or component called RouterProvider .您正在尝试将AuthContextRouterProvider一起使用,但AuthContext没有名为RouterProvider的属性或组件。

To use AuthContext in combination with the RouterProvider , you will need to wrap the RouterProvider component in a component that consumes the AuthContext 's value ( ie useContext(AuthContext) ).要将AuthContextRouterProvider结合使用,您需要将RouterProvider组件包装在一个使用AuthContext的值的组件中(即 useContext(AuthContext) )。

Here a snippet to help you out... In this we are using AuthContext value to detemine the value of routes and then use it with RouterProvider这里有一个片段可以帮助你......在这里我们使用AuthContext值来确定routes的值,然后将它与RouterProvider一起使用

 const App = () => { const auth = useContext(AuthContext); const routes = auth.isLoggedIn? privateRoute: publicRoute; return ( <RouterProvider router={routes} /> ); }; export default App;

inside and you need to wrap the App component inside AuthContext like...在里面,您需要将App组件包装在AuthContext ,例如...

      <App />

One has nothing to do with the other.一个与另一个无关。 The issue is that AuthContext doesn't have any RouterProvider property nor is the code you are trying to use actually using a React context Provider component and value.问题是AuthContext没有任何RouterProvider属性,您尝试使用的代码也没有实际使用 React context Provider组件和值。

Just wrap the App component with the AuthContext.Provider component and ensure a context value is passed.只需使用AuthContext.Provider组件包装App组件并确保传递上下文值。


<AuthContext.Provider value={{ ..... }}>
  <App />

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