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如何在 Quarto pdf 引用中添加 URL 访问日期

[英]How to add URL access date in Quarto pdf references

I am trying to add a last accessed field to web references in a Quarto PDF. Here is a minimal example of a qmd file:我正在尝试将上次访问的字段添加到 Quarto PDF 中的 web 引用。这是一个qmd文件的最小示例:

title: "How to cite a URL with access date"
format: pdf
bibliography: references.bib

I am using @stackoverflow1, @stackoverflow2 and @stackoverflow3.

# References

::: {#refs}

This is references.bib :这是references.bib

  title = {Stack Overflow with note},
  url   = {https://stackoverflow.com/},
  year  = {2022},
  note  = {https://stackoverflow.com/, last accessed on 2022-12-30}

  title   = {Stack Overflow with urldate},
  url     = {https://stackoverflow.com/},
  year    = 2022,
  urldate = {2022-12-30}

  title    = {Stack Overflow with accessed},
  url      = {https://stackoverflow.com/},
  year     = {2022},
  accessed = {2022-12-30}

The output is, output 是,


As you can see, the note , urldate and accessed fields are all ignored.如您所见, noteurldateaccessed字段都被忽略了。 I have tried using different csl files, eg APA and Harvard Educational Review .我曾尝试使用不同的csl文件,例如APAHarvard Educational Review I have also tried the instructions for doing this in Latex in this and this post.我还在这篇文章和这篇文章中尝试了 Latex 中的说明。 I have also changed @misc to @online .我还将@misc更改为@online None of these seem to make any difference.这些似乎都没有任何区别。

How do you add a date accessed field to a Quarto PDF reference?如何将日期访问字段添加到 Quarto PDF 参考?

Expected output预计 output


"Stack Overflow", 2022, https://stackoverflow.com/ , last accessed on 2022-12-30 “Stack Overflow”,2022 年, https://stackoverflow.com/ ,最后访问时间为 2022-12-30

When used with CSL, then urldate is the correct way to add the access date to a reference.当与 CSL 一起使用时, urldate是将访问日期添加到引用的正确方法。 The used citation style must support that information, or otherwise it won't be shown.使用的引用样式必须支持该信息,否则将不会显示。 You can go to the citation style repository and search for "accessed" (which is the key used by CSL for this information).您可以通过 go 访问引用样式存储库并搜索"accessed" (这是 CSL 用于此信息的密钥)。 This will bring up all styles that include this info in the entry.这将显示条目中包含此信息的所有 styles。

https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/search?q=accessed https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/search?q=accessed

Such styles are commonly called "author date styles", so we could also search for those in the Zotero database .这样的styles就是俗称的“author date styles”,所以我们也可以在Zotero数据库中搜索一下。 To use a style, download it and pass it via the csl metadata key.要使用样式,请下载它并通过csl元数据密钥传递它。

You need to tell Quarto to use biblatex using cite-method yaml option.您需要使用cite-method yaml 选项告诉 Quarto 使用biblatex

title: "How to cite a URL with access date"
format: pdf
bibliography: references.bib
cite-method: biblatex

I am using @stackoverflow1, @stackoverflow2 and @stackoverflow3.

# References

::: {#refs}

Quarto pdf 参考中的 URL 访问日期

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