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通过 HtppClient Post 请求发送超过 1 个文件 c#

[英]Send more than 1 file over HtppClient Post request c#

I'm currently working with an API and I have to send files thanks to http post protocol.我目前正在使用 API,由于 http post 协议,我必须发送文件。

With postman, everithing works fine and I can send an array of files that can contains more than 1 file:使用 postman,一切正常,我可以发送一个包含多个文件的文件数组:


For that, I'm using HttpClient in my c# application, but I only can send one file.为此,我在我的 c# 应用程序中使用了 HttpClient,但我只能发送一个文件。 Moreover, my body must contains form-data body so I created a MultipartFormDataContent object for send my file.此外,我的正文必须包含表单数据正文,因此我创建了一个 MultipartFormDataContent object 来发送我的文件。

public async Task<SubmitIdentityResults> SubmitIdentity(Guid companyId, DocumentTypes docType, SubmitIdentityParameters submitIdentityParameters)
                var accesstoken = await _authTokenFromClientID.GetAccessToken();
                var client = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient("MyClient");
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", accesstoken);

                MultipartFormDataContent form = new MultipartFormDataContent();
                form.Add(new StreamContent(submitIdentityParameters.File!), "Files", submitIdentityParameters.FileName!);

                var response = await client.PostAsync($"api/Document/{docType.ToString()}", form);

                if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NoContent)
                    return default(SubmitIdentityResults)!;
                return await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<SubmitIdentityResults>() ?? default(SubmitIdentityResults)!;

            catch (Exception)

There is a way to develop the same bahaviour in c# with httpclient and mulitipartformdata?有一种方法可以在 c# 中使用 httpclient 和 mulitipartformdata 开发相同的行为吗?

I think you should pass an array SubmitIdentityParameters[] submitIdentityParameters and do like this.我认为你应该传递一个数组SubmitIdentityParameters[] submitIdentityParameters并这样做。

foreach (var file in submitIdentityParameters)
    form.Add(new StreamContent(file.File!), "Files", file.FileName!);

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