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[英]How to add a fog layer in Mapbox for iOS

I am trying to add a fog layer in my iOS app using Mapbox SDK, however so far without success.我正在尝试使用 Mapbox SDK 在我的 iOS 应用程序中添加雾层,但到目前为止没有成功。 I would like to use this to achieve the effect of partially hiding distant map content to achieve a better 3D effect at camera pitch 90. Adding the sky layer was simple enough, but cannot see how to add a fog layer.我想用它来实现部分隐藏远处 map 内容的效果,以在相机间距 90 下实现更好的 3D 效果。添加天空层很简单,但看不到如何添加雾层。


to achieve this you can take a look at Atmosphere为此,您可以查看Atmosphere

var atmosphere = Atmosphere()
// code to configure Atmosphere here
try mapView.mapboxMap.style.setAtmosphere(atmosphere)

有雾的 3D 地形

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