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“sudo dpkg --force-confdef --force-confold --configure -a”显示对话框

[英]"sudo dpkg --force-confdef --force-confold --configure -a" shows dialog

I am trying to run this unattended but I keep getting presented with this dialog by unattended-upgrades:我试图在无人值守的情况下运行此程序,但无人值守升级不断向我展示此对话框:

debconf 对话框

I can see this in ps:我可以在ps中看到这个:

$ ps aux | grep -i frontend
root      348793  0.0  0.1  24992 19644 pts/2    S+   14:12   0:00 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /var/lib/dpkg/info/unattended-upgrades.postinst configure 2.3ubuntu0.1

This is despite running this which should force the old config:这是尽管运行它应该强制旧配置:

$ dpkg --force-confdef --force-confold --configure -a

My versions are:我的版本是:

$ dpkg --version
Debian 'dpkg' package management program version 1.19.7 (amd64).
$ apt-get --version
apt 2.0.9 (amd64)
$ lsb_release -d
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS

Any ideas how to get the above to run unattended?任何想法如何让上述无人值守运行?

Oh, it seems I need to also pass an environment variable, the full command being:哦,看来我还需要传递一个环境变量,完整的命令是:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg --force-confdef --force-confnew #{args}

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