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使用 Runbook 停止 Azure Function 应用程序

[英]Stop an Azure Function App by using Runbook

I have an Azure Function app running which I need to stop and start on a schedule.我有一个 Azure Function 应用程序正在运行,我需要按计划停止和启动它。 tried to automate it by Azure Automation Account using Runbook with PowerShell script.尝试使用带有 PowerShell 脚本的 Runbook 通过 Azure 自动化帐户对其进行自动化。

Will a single line of command work?一行命令行得通吗?

I tried below.我在下面试过。

Update-AzFunctionAppSetting -Name MyFUNCTION_APP_NAME -ResourceGroupName MyRESOURCE_GROUP_NAME -AppSetting @{"AzureWebJobs.MyFunctionName.Disabled" = "true"}

upon running it throws error -运行时会抛出错误 -

You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.

Do I have to pass the name of the function app as a variable/parameter or something?我是否必须将 function 应用程序的名称作为变量/参数或其他内容传递? Or just one line above is all that is needed?或者只需要上面一行?

Tried different syntaxes found around inte.net but none worked.尝试了在 inte.net 周围发现的不同语法,但都没有用。

Thanks @Anand Sowmithiran for the comment.感谢@Anand Sowmithiran 的评论。

When I run the below commands Iam able to Stop the Azure Function.当我运行以下命令时,我能够停止 Azure Function。

Get-AzFunctionApp -Name FuncAppName -ResourceGroupName YourRGGroupName| Stop-AzFunctionApp -Force


Stop-AzFunctionApp -Name FunctionApp2Jan -ResourceGroupName YourRGGroupName -Force

Before Running the command:运行命令之前:


After running the Stop Command:运行停止命令后:


  • I am able to run the command which you are trying to execute.我能够运行您要执行的命令。
 Update-AzFunctionAppSetting -Name FunctionApp2Jan ->ResourceGroupName YourRGName -AppSetting >{"AzureWebJobs.MyFunctionName.Disabled" = "true"}


App Settings in Configuration Section:配置部分的应用程序设置:


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