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即使我已经在我的 ServiceImpl class 中自动装配实体,它仍然给我与自动装配相关的错误

[英]Even though I have autowired the entity in my ServiceImpl class, its still giving me the error related to autowire

This is my Impl Class这是我的 Impl Class

public class TransactionServiceImpl implements TransactionService{

    private Customer customer;

This is the error I am getting这是我得到的错误

Field customer in com.rewardsystem.AugustStore.service.TransactionServiceImpl required a bean of type 'com.rewardsystem.AugustStore.entities.Customer' that could not be found.

The injection point has the following annotations:
    - @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)


Consider defining a bean of type 'com.rewardsystem.AugustStore.entities.Customer' in your configuration.

I tried to redo the steps but the problem still arises我尝试重做这些步骤,但问题仍然存在

I can see that you are trying to autowire Customer class that is Entity class (as per error message) and Entity classes are not beans (annotated with @Service , @Component , @Configuration , @Repository and @Bean ).我可以看到您正在尝试自动装配Customer class 即实体 class(根据错误消息)并且实体类不是 beans(用@Service@Component@Configuration@Repository@Bean 注释)。 So you can't use them as a dependency in other classes by using @Autowired annotation.因此,您不能通过使用@Autowired注释将它们用作其他类中的依赖项。

So please remove @Autowired annotation on top Customer class and create instance using new operator like this因此,请删除顶部Customer class 上的@Autowired注释,并使用这样的新运算符创建实例

Customer customer=new Customer();


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