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Python 根据阈值列出前向填充元素

[英]Python list forward fill elements according to thresholds

I have a list我有一个清单

a = ["Today, 30 Dec",
     "Tomorrow, 31 Dec", 
     "01 Jan 2023",

and would like to kind of forward fill this list so that the result looks like this并想向前填充此列表,以便结果看起来像这样

b = ["Today, 30 Dec 01:10",
     "Today, 30 Dec 02:30",
     "Tomorrow, 31 Dec 00:00",
     "Tomorrow, 31 Dec 04:30",
     "Tomorrow, 31 Dec 05:30",
     "01 Jan 2023 01:00",
     "01 Jan 2023 10:00"]

Looks like that list contains dates and times .看起来该列表包含日期时间

Any item that contains a space is a date value;任何包含空格的项目都是日期值; otherwise it is a time value.否则它是一个时间值。

Iterate over the list.遍历列表。 If you see a date value, save it as the current date.如果您看到日期值,请将其保存为当前日期。 If you see a time value, append it to the current date and save that value the new list.如果您看到一个时间值,append 它到当前日期并将该值保存到新列表中。

I iterate over the list and check if it is a time with regex.我遍历列表并检查它是否是正则表达式的时间。 If it isn't I save it, to prepend it to the following items, and the append it to the output.如果不是,我保存它,将其添加到以下项目之前,并将 append 添加到 output。


import re
from pprint import pprint

def forward(input_list):
    output = []
    for item in input_list:
        if not re.fullmatch(r"\d\d:\d\d", item):
            forwarded = item
            output.append(f"{forwarded} {item}")
    return output

a = ["Today, 30 Dec",
     "Tomorrow, 31 Dec",
     "01 Jan 2023",

b = forward(a)

Output: Output:

['Today, 30 Dec 01:10',
 'Today, 30 Dec 02:30',
 'Tomorrow, 31 Dec 00:00',
 'Tomorrow, 31 Dec 04:30',
 'Tomorrow, 31 Dec 05:30',
 '01 Jan 2023 01:00',
 '01 Jan 2023 10:00']

How about:怎么样:

    a = ["Today, 30 Dec",
         "Tomorrow, 31 Dec",
         "01 Jan 2023",

    b = []

    base = ""
    for x in a:
        if ":" in x:
            b.append(base + " " + x)
            base = x


simply iterate over your data and store the front string and if the current element contains a colon append it简单地遍历你的数据并存储前面的字符串,如果当前元素包含一个冒号 append 它

Output: Output:

['Today, 30 Dec 01:10', 
'Today, 30 Dec 02:30', 
'Tomorrow, 31 Dec 00:00', 
'Tomorrow, 31 Dec 04:30', 
'Tomorrow, 31 Dec 05:30', 
'01 Jan 2023 01:00', 
'01 Jan 2023 10:00']

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