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Android 在调试文件夹中创建可绘制资源?

[英]Android drawable resources getting created in a debug folder?

I'm building an Android app using Android Studio & Kotlin. Historically, when I've added new image drawbles:我正在使用 Android Studio 和 Kotlin 构建一个 Android 应用程序。历史上,当我添加新图像 drawbles 时:


they were saved to the following folder: \app\src\main\res它们被保存到以下文件夹: \app\src\main\res

However, recently (potentially after an Android Studio update?) new image drawables now wind up here: \app\src\debug\res .然而,最近(可能在 Android Studio 更新之后?)新的可绘制图像现在出现在此处: \app\src\debug\res I haven't intentionally meant for that to happen.我不是故意要让那发生的。 Now my drawables are split between the two locations.现在我的可绘制对象在两个位置之间分开。 What caused this change?是什么导致了这种变化? How do I switch it back?我如何将其切换回来?

You need to select the right "Res Directory", "main" when adding the drawable:添加drawable时需要select正确的“Res Directory”,“main”:


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