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(Swift) 无法解码 JSON 以 { "something": [ {

[英](Swift) Unable to decode JSON starting with { "something" : [ {

Below is a sample of the JSON I am trying to decode:下面是我试图解码的 JSON 的示例:

  "results": [
      "Modified": "2022-12-30T22:27:00",
      "Published": "2022-12-23T15:15:00",
      "access": {},
      "assigner": "cve@mitre.org",
      "cvss": null,
      "cwe": "CWE-77",
      "id": "CVE-2022-46642",
      "impact": {},
      "last-modified": "2022-12-30T22:27:00",
      "references": [
      "summary": "D-Link DIR-846 A1_FW100A43 was discovered to contain a command injection vulnerability via the auto_upgrade_hour parameter in the SetAutoUpgradeInfo function.",
      "vulnerable_configuration": [
      "vulnerable_configuration_cpe_2_2": [],
      "vulnerable_product": [

(the JSON file continues with the next { "Modified"... ) (JSON 文件继续下一个{ "Modified"...

I searched for a solution and my code is as follows:我搜索了一个解决方案,我的代码如下:

The struct结构

struct CVE : Decodable
    var id : String
    var cvss : String? = nil
    var Modified : String
    var summary : String
struct CVEdata : Decodable
    var results : [CVE]

and the JSON decoding function和 JSON 解码 function

    func jsonDataRequest () async
        if let url = URL(string: "https://cve.circl.lu/api/query?time_start=30-12-2022,time_end=31-12-2022")
                 let (data, _) = try await URLSession.shared.data(from: url)
                 arrCVE = try JSONDecoder().decode([CVEdata].self, from: data)

If the above algorithm is correct, how can I access the data in the arrCVE variable?如果上面的算法是正确的,我该如何访问arrCVE变量中的数据呢? I have tried a for loop for dictionary, but I think the issue is somewhere in the decoding line.我已经为字典尝试了一个 for 循环,但我认为问题出在解码行的某个地方。 Thank you谢谢

The problem here is that the top-level container of your JSON is not an array, so for start your decoding type should be CVEData.self (instead of [CVEData].self ).这里的问题是你的 JSON 的顶级容器不是一个数组,所以首先你的解码类型应该是CVEData.self (而不是[CVEData].self )。

Then you can access the list of CVE objects via arrCVE.results .然后您可以通过arrCVE.results访问 CVE 对象列表。

Don't forget that arrCVE must be redeclared accordingly:不要忘记必须相应地重新声明arrCVE

var arrCVE: CVEdata?

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