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[英]Is there any easier way, than making a driver, for achieving this experiment?

Am I overcomplicating things, or is this actually the easiest way of doing this?我是不是把事情搞得太复杂了,或者这实际上是最简单的方法吗?

I need a piece of software, that would allow me to force any given process on a system to use a specific GPU. The software should be able to force the process to switch GPU mid-execution (yes, I know this will cause a lot of issues, it's part some experiments I'm doing, to hopefully do something smart) (Linux btw)我需要一个软件,它允许我强制系统上的任何给定进程使用特定的 GPU。该软件应该能够强制进程在执行中切换 GPU(是的,我知道这会导致很多的问题,这是我正在做的一些实验的一部分,希望能做一些聪明的事情)(Linux btw)

Would it be correct to make a 'dummy driver' that allowed processes to use it as GPU, and then it could redirect the graphical processing to whatever GPU I wanted, or am I overcomplicating things?制作一个允许进程将其用作 GPU 的“虚拟驱动程序”是否正确,然后它可以将图形处理重定向到我想要的任何 GPU,或者我是否使事情过于复杂? Is there an easier way to do this?有没有更简单的方法来做到这一点? Cause I kinda don't want to make a driver, but I can't really see any way around it.因为我有点不想做司机,但我真的看不出有什么办法。

I my view your actually undercomplicating the issue.我认为您实际上没有使问题复杂化。 A GPU is a highly specific device designed to do a gpu`s work like transforming patterns for geometric problems. GPU 是一种高度特定的设备,旨在完成 gpu 的工作,例如为几何问题转换模式。 It is far from a general purpose cpu.它远非通用cpu。 Yes, it is a cpu but with alot of specific instruction sets tobe utilized.是的,它是一个 CPU,但有很多特定的指令集可供使用。

So i guess the answer to your question is yes, you can make such a program.所以我想你的问题的答案是肯定的,你可以制作这样的程序。 A good hint is to get familiar with specifications like opengl or similar, in order to understand if and how your problem/programm can be made fit for such a engine and give you any advantage.一个很好的提示是熟悉 opengl 或类似规范,以便了解您的问题/程序是否以及如何适合这样的引擎并为您带来任何优势。 Then you might have a path via Linux kms drivers combined with a wayland based application to interact with your gpu(s).然后你可能有一条路径通过 Linux kms 驱动程序结合基于 wayland 的应用程序来与你的 gpu 交互。


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