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我可以将 const 引用分配给非常量变量吗?

[英]Can I assign a const reference to a non-const variable?

Let's say I define the following operator:假设我定义了以下运算符:

const int & operator= (const MyClass &);

Can I use it to make an assignment to a non-const variable?我可以用它来对非常量变量进行赋值吗?

Reading through the comments here , my understanding is that yes, I can (ie I could do things like a=b even if a is not const and the compiler wouldn't complailn).阅读此处的评论,我的理解是,是的,我可以(即即使 a 不是const并且编译器不会抱怨,我也可以做a=b之类的事情)。

However, when I try the following code:但是,当我尝试以下代码时:

int main()
  int x = 42;
  const int &y = x;  // y is a const reference to x
  int &z = y;  

It fails with the following:它失败并显示以下内容:

main.cpp:9:8: error: binding reference of type 'int' to value of type 'const int' drops 'const' qualifier
  int &z = y;
       ^   ~
1 error generated.

Yes, you can assign a const reference to a non-reference variable.是的,您可以将 const 引用分配给非引用变量。

 int x = 42;
 const int &y = x;  // y is a const reference to x
 int w = y; // this works
 int z& = y; // this doesn't  

You can assign a const reference to a non-reference because the value is copied, meaning that x won't be modified if w is modified as w is a copy of the data.您可以将 const 引用分配给非引用,因为该值已被复制,这意味着如果w被修改,则x不会被修改,因为w是数据的副本。

You cannot assign a const reference to a non-const reference as when you are using a const reference you are giving a guarantee that you won't modify the pointed value.您不能将 const 引用分配给非 const 引用,因为当您使用 const 引用时,您保证不会修改指向的值。 If you would be allowed to assign a const reference to a non-const reference you would break this guarantee.如果您被允许将 const 引用分配给非 const 引用,您将违反此保证。

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