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如何访问注释值 (JUnit 4 -> JUnit 5)

[英]How to access an annotation value (JUnit 4 -> JUnit 5)

I am trying to port a project from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5. The project includes a custom runner that has a listener that detects whether a test has a certain annotation ( @GradedTest ) and accesses the annotation's key-value pairs.我正在尝试将一个项目从 JUnit 4 移植到 JUnit 5。该项目包括一个自定义运行器,该运行器具有一个侦听器,用于检测测试是否具有特定注释 ( @GradedTest ) 并访问注释的键值对。 For example, it would be able to access the values associated with name and points in this code:例如,它将能够访问与此代码中的namepoints关联的值:

@GradedTest(name = "greet() test", points = "1")
public void defaultGreeting() {
    assertEquals(GREETING, unit.greet());

The existing JUnit 4 code has a listener that extends RunListener and overrides testStarted() :现有的 JUnit 4 代码有一个监听器,它扩展RunListener覆盖testStarted()

public void testStarted(Description description) throws Exception {

    this.currentGradedTestResult = null;

    GradedTest gradedTestAnnotation = description.getAnnotation(GradedTest.class);
    if (gradedTestAnnotation != null) {
        this.currentGradedTestResult =  new GradedTestResult(

Note that this makes use of Description.getAnnotation() .请注意,这使用了Description.getAnnotation()

I am trying to switch to the JUnit Platform Launcher API .我正在尝试切换到JUnit 平台启动器 API I can use a LauncherDiscoveryRequestBuilder to select the tests I want to run, and I can create listeners that extend SummaryGeneratingListener and override executionStarted(TestIdentifier testIdentifier) .我可以使用LauncherDiscoveryRequestBuilder来 select 我想运行的测试,我可以创建扩展SummaryGeneratingListener并覆盖executionStarted(TestIdentifier testIdentifier)的侦听器。 I see no way, however, to get an annotation and its values from a TestIdentifier .但是,我看不到从TestIdentifier获取注释及其值的方法。

What is the JUnit 5 equivalent of Description.getAnnotation() or the new way of getting a test annotation's values? JUnit 5 等同于Description.getAnnotation()或获取测试注释值的新方法是什么?

I did find a way to get annotations, but I do not know how robust it is.我确实找到了一种获取注释的方法,但我不知道它有多健壮。 This is how I overrode SummaryGeneratingListener.executionStarted(TestIdentifier identifier) :这就是我如何覆盖SummaryGeneratingListener.executionStarted(TestIdentifier identifier)

public void executionStarted(TestIdentifier identifier) {
    this.currentGradedTestResult = null;

    // Check if this is an atomic test, not a container.
    if (identifier.isTest()) {
        // Check if the test's source is provided.
        TestSource source = identifier.getSource().orElse(null);
        // If so, and if it's a MethodSource, get and use the annotation if present.
        if (source != null && source instanceof MethodSource) {
            GradedTest gradedTestAnnotation = ((MethodSource) source).getJavaMethod().getAnnotation(GradedTest.class);
            if (gradedTestAnnotation != null) {
                this.currentGradedTestResult = new GradedTestResult(


    this.testOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    System.setOut(new PrintStream(this.testOutput));

The weak link is TestIdentifier.getSource() .薄弱环节是TestIdentifier.getSource() The documentation says it gets "the source of the represented test or container, if available ."该文档说它获取“所表示的测试或容器的来源,如果可用的话”。 It works for my tests, but I don't know under what circumstances the source is (not) available.它适用于我的测试,但我不知道在什么情况下源(不)可用。

I'm providing this as a solution but not marking this as answered, in case there's a better solution.我将此作为解决方案提供,但不会将其标记为已回答,以防有更好的解决方案。 If anyone is interested, there are the commits .如果有人感兴趣,可以查看 commits

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