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[英]Make an Enum from struct

I want to make an enum from a struct.我想从结构中创建一个枚举。

The definitions:定义:

struct Point {
    x: u8,
    y: u8,

enum Message {
    Move { x: u8, y: u8 },

So if I have instantiated a Point in my code, how can I make a Message from the struct?因此,如果我在我的代码中实例化了一个Point ,我该如何从结构中创建一个Message

I've tried this code:我试过这段代码:

Message::Move(Point { x: 10, y: 15 })

But this code throws an error saying但是这段代码抛出一个错误说

error[E0423]: expected function, tuple struct or tuple variant, found struct variant `Message::Move`

Your enum variant can simply contain an instance of the struct.您的枚举变体可以只包含该结构的一个实例。

enum Message {

Then the syntax you wanted will work as-is.然后你想要的语法将按原样工作。

Message::Move(Point { x: 10, y: 15 })

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