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[英]change listener on 2nd click

I have a javascript code where I store an element in an array upon clicking on a button, and change the button from "+" to "-".我有一个 javascript 代码,我在单击按钮时将元素存储在数组中,并将按钮从“+”更改为“-”。 Upon clicking the button again, I want to remove that element from the array.再次单击按钮后,我想从数组中删除该元素。

I have this code.我有这个代码。 It does the first part well, but it also removes the element without clicking on the button the second time.它很好地完成了第一部分,但它也删除了元素而没有第二次单击按钮。

let favorites = []
let buttonList = document.querySelectorAll("button")

let click = 0

  buttonList.forEach((button, index) => {
    button.addEventListener('click', function saveFavourites() {
      button.textContent = "-"
      if (click === 1) {
        this.removeEventListener('click', saveFavourites)
    button.addEventListener('click', function removeFavourites() {
      click ++
      let i = favorites.indexOf(products[index])
      favorites.splice(i, 1)
      button.textContent = "+"
      if (click === 2) {
        this.removeEventListener('click', removeFavourites)

You're adding two separate event listeners to the same button element.您正在向同一个按钮元素添加两个单独的事件侦听器。 Use a single event listener and toggle a boolean flag variable to keep track of whether the element should be added or removed.使用单个事件侦听器并切换 boolean flag变量以跟踪是否应添加或删除元素。

let favorites = []
let buttonList = document.querySelectorAll("button")

buttonList.forEach((button, index) => {
  let isAdded = false; // flag variable to track whether the element is added or removed

  button.addEventListener('click', function toggleFavourites() {
    if (isAdded) {
      let i = favorites.indexOf(products[index])
      favorites.splice(i, 1)
      button.textContent = "+"
      isAdded = false;
    } else {
      button.textContent = "-"
      isAdded = true;

When the button is clicked, the code checks the value of isAdded and either adds the element to the favorites array or removes it.单击该按钮时,代码会检查isAdded的值并将该元素添加到favorites数组或将其删除。

Here is the Demo:- Codesandbox这是演示:- Codesandbox

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