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将 django 夏季笔记保存为键入

[英]Save django summer note as typing

I currently have a working install of django-summernote .我目前正在安装django-summernote What I am wondering, is does django offer the ability to have an event trigger when typing into the editor to save the post?我想知道的是,django 是否提供在编辑器中输入以保存帖子时触发事件的功能?

I was able to impliment django-autosave into the admin forum which does what I needed.我能够将django-autosave嵌入到管理论坛中,它可以满足我的需要。 The general gist is they have a javascript file that uses query to store it in local storage, but also periodically sends it to the server.一般要点是他们有一个 javascript 文件,该文件使用查询将其存储在本地存储中,但也会定期将其发送到服务器。 In case more than one person editting at once.以防不止一个人同时编辑。

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