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如何将方法调用传递给方法 (Java 8)

[英]How to pass a method invocation to a method (Java 8)

My original code looked like this:我的原始代码如下所示:

SpecificEntity result = broker.changeSpecificEntity ( myTestKey , myTestData ) ;

"broker" is an (interface/implementation facade) with several methods (create, change, remove, etc) for each of many entity types. “经纪人”是一个(接口/实现外观),具有多种实体类型中的每一种方法(创建、更改、删除等)。

I want to implement a generic version of the code so I don't have to repeat myself.我想实现代码的通用版本,这样我就不必重复自己了。 There is more code than shown here, but the rest is already generic.代码比这里显示的要多,但是 rest 已经是通用的了。

This is what we have so far.这是我们目前所拥有的。

public < K extends Key , D extends Data > D changeAnyEntity ( final K testKey, final D testData, BiFunction<K, D, D> brokerMethod ) 
    return brokerMethod.apply ( testKey , testData ) ;

Now I need to invoke a generic method, (eg, changeAnyEntity) for each of the methods under test.现在我需要为每个被测方法调用一个通用方法(例如,changeAnyEntity)。

SpecificEntity result = changeAnyEntity ( myTestKey , myTestData , myBrokerFuncion )

I have not yet figured out how to define / create "myBrokerFunction"我还没有弄清楚如何定义/创建“myBrokerFunction”

Create an interface with a single method accepting your wanted arguments and returning the type you need.使用单一方法创建一个接口,接受您想要的 arguments 并返回您需要的类型。 Then you can use that interface as a parameter type, and you can avoid all unnecessary casting inside your generic method.然后您可以将该接口用作参数类型,并且可以避免在泛型方法中进行所有不必要的强制转换。 The reason for making it generic is to avoid "knowing" about all individual child types after all使它成为通用的原因是为了避免“知道”所有单独的子类型

interface BrokerFun<KK, DD> {
    DD changeEntity(KK key, DD data);

public < K extends Key , D extends Data > boolean changeAnything (
        final K testKey,
        final D testData,
        BrokerFun<K, D> brokerFun
) {
    try {
        D result = brokerFun.changeEntity(testKey,testData);
        return isEqualCriticalFields(result, testData);
    } catch ( final Exception e ) {
        return false ;

EDIT(Adding a BiFunction solution)编辑(添加 BiFunction 解决方案)

Alternatively you can use the BiFunction interface like this或者,您可以像这样使用 BiFunction 接口

public < K extends Key , D extends Data > boolean changeAnything (
        final K testKey,
        final D testData,
        BiFunction<K, D, D> brokerFun
) {
    try {
        D result = brokerFun.apply(testKey,testData);
        return isEqualCriticalFields(result, testData);
    } catch ( final Exception e ) {
        return false ;

Finally.最后。 . . . . ignoring try/catch logic忽略 try/catch 逻辑

final BiFunction < SpecificEntityKey , SpecificEntityData , SpecificEntityData >
brokerMethod = ( k , d ) -> { myBroker.changeSpecificEntity ( k , d , null ) ; return d ; } ;

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