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如何使用 flutter_animate 重启 animation?

[英]How to restart an animation with flutter_animate?

I recently started using the package flutter_animate and it was love at first sight.我最近开始使用 package flutter_animate ,一见钟情。 But how do I restart an animation when a widget gets rebuilt?但是当一个小部件被重建时,我如何重新启动 animation?

Eg, my widget below animates great例如,我下面的小部件动画很棒

  .fadeOut(duration: 2000.ms).scaleXY(duration: 2000.ms, end: 2.0)

But when I setState and the widget rebuilds, the animation doesn't restart and the text remains faded out.但是当我setState和小部件重建时,animation 不会重新启动并且文本仍然淡出。 Is there a way to trigger a restart on animations every time a widget rebuilds?有没有办法在每次重建小部件时触发动画重启?

You can use the AnimatedBuilder widget provided by Flutter您可以使用 Flutter 提供的AnimatedBuilder widget

Like this像这样

  animation: _animation,
  builder: (context, child) {
    return Text('Good\nJob!')
      .fadeOut(duration: 2000.ms).scaleXY(duration: 2000.ms, end: 2.0);


setState(() {
  _animation.value = newValue;

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