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如何在 flutter 中创建如下图所示的圆形进度条

[英]How to create circular progress bar like below image in flutter


I want to create this circular progress bar with animation and working on percentage我想用 animation 创建这个循环进度条并处理百分比

You can either achieve this using CustomPaint to draw it yourself (recommended), or perhaps using a Stack to put 3 different-sized CircularProgressIndicator s on top of each other.您可以使用CustomPaint自己绘制(推荐)来实现此目的,或者使用Stack将 3 个不同大小的CircularProgressIndicator相互叠加。

It's not difficult to custom paint this: for each ring, you can first draw a grey circle as the background, then draw a colored arc path.自定义绘制这个并不难:对于每个环,您可以先绘制一个灰色圆圈作为背景,然后绘制一条彩色圆弧路径。 You can round the ends by setting Paint()..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round .您可以通过设置Paint()..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round来使末端变圆。

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