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如何向 surveyjs 调查添加多个结尾?

[英]How do I add multiple endings to a surveyjs survey?

I created a survey using surveyjs's online designer and incorporated it into my web app.我使用 surveyjs 的在线设计器创建了一个调查并将其合并到我的 web 应用程序中。 I would like to add two endings to the survey though.不过,我想为调查添加两个结局。

If user clicks "no" for questions 2,3 or 4, it shows' the message "sorry... thank you" instead of the default "thank you for..." that I have as the current ending under the "completedHtml" section.如果用户对问题 2、3 或 4 单击“否”,它会显示消息“对不起...谢谢”,而不是我在“completedHtml”下作为当前结尾的默认“谢谢...” “ 部分。

I essentially want to add two possible endings for the user tied to the logic rules I've set.我基本上想为与我设置的逻辑规则相关的用户添加两个可能的结局。

I've tried to just create a new "completedHtml[2]" section think (I'm sure the proper term) but I can't figure out how to redirect the logic from just end survey to end with completedHtml2 page .我试图创建一个新的“completedHtml[2]”部分 think(我确定是正确的术语)但我无法弄清楚如何将逻辑从end survey重定向到end with completedHtml2 page

You can use survey.completedHtmlOnCondition property.您可以使用survey.completedHtmlOnCondition属性。 You can see how it is implemented in our NPS example .您可以在我们的NPS 示例中看到它是如何实现的。

Thank you, SurveyJS Team谢谢 SurveyJS 团队

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