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[英]How to filter documents using find method in mongoose based on the data from reference in documents?

I am working on e-commerce like app.我正在从事像应用程序这样的电子商务。 I have orderItem Schema我有 orderItem 模式

const orderItemsSchema = mongoose.Schema(
    order: {
      type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
      ref: 'OrderItems',
      required: true,
    product: {
      type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
      ref: 'Products',
      required: true,
    quantity: {
      type: Number,
      default: 1,
    subCost: {
      type: Number,
      required: true,
    timestamps: true,

Where product schema has a field "owner" which is also a reference.产品模式有一个字段“所有者”,这也是一个参考。

I am expecting to get orderItems based on owners of the products.我期望获得基于产品所有者的 orderItems。

For Example: A owner want to check which products of him has been sold.例如:某店主想查看他的哪些产品已经售出。 So he will query orderItems to get his sold items.因此他将查询 orderItems 以获取他出售的商品。

I'm not an expert in mongoose, so maybe the syntax is not entirely correct:我不是 mongoose 的专家,所以语法可能不完全正确:

// You get all products _id that owner currently sells
const yourOwnerObjectId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(yourOwnerId); // Create the objectId from a string
const productsOwner = Products.find({owner: yourOwnerObjectId}).select({_id: 1})

// You get all orders that contains any of previous product _id
const orderWithProductsSold = OrderItems.find({_id: {$in: productsOwner}})

I'm not sure about what returns the first query regarding _id .我不确定什么会返回关于_id的第一个查询。 Maybe you have to do some type of casting to ObjectId or whatever to perform the second query, but I think the idea is right.也许您必须对ObjectId或其他任何类型进行某种类型的转换才能执行第二个查询,但我认为这个想法是正确的。

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