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如何继承付款屏幕并在 _finalizeValidation() 中添加验证

[英]How to inherit Payment screen and add validation in _finalizeValidation()

I want to inherit _finalizeValidation() method from the paymentscreen of odoo15 in which I just want to add a condition that if the invoice is selected in the payment screen then the validate button will function and will move on to the receipt screen else will give a user error, and I am not getting a way to inherit and do so, Any help in this will be greatly appreciated我想从odoo15paymentscreen屏幕继承_finalizeValidation()方法,我只想添加一个条件,如果在payment screen中选择了invoice ,则validate button将为 function 并将移至收据屏幕,否则将给出一个用户错误,我没有办法继承并这样做,对此的任何帮助将不胜感激

You can find an example in the pos_hr module where they inherit the _finalizeValidation function to set the employee on the current order:您可以在pos_hr模块中找到一个示例,其中他们继承了_finalizeValidation function 以在当前订单上设置员工:

odoo.define('pos_hr.PaymentScreen', function (require) {
    'use strict';

    const PaymentScreen = require('point_of_sale.PaymentScreen');
    const Registries = require('point_of_sale.Registries');

    const PosHrPaymentScreen = (PaymentScreen_) =>
          class extends PaymentScreen_ {
              async _finalizeValidation() {
                  this.currentOrder.employee = this.env.pos.get_cashier();
                  await super._finalizeValidation();

    Registries.Component.extend(PaymentScreen, PosHrPaymentScreen);

    return PaymentScreen;

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