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如何接收 URL 文件作为参数并使用 FastAPI 将其保存到磁盘?

[英]How to receive URL File as parameter and save it to disk using FastAPI?

I would like to know if there is a way for FastAPI to receive a URL of a file as a parameter and save this file to disk?我想知道是否有办法让 FastAPI 接收一个文件的 URL 作为参数并将这个文件保存到磁盘? I know it is possible with the requests library using requests.get() method, but is it possible with FastAPI to receive the URL and save it directly?我知道requests库可以使用requests.get()方法,但是 FastAPI 可以接收 URL 并直接保存吗?

I tried using file: UploadFile = File(...) , but then it doesn't download the file when the URL is sent.我尝试使用file: UploadFile = File(...) ,但是当发送 URL 时它不会下载文件。

I don't believe so.我不这么认为。 I've come across this before and was unable to find a solution (and ended up using requests like you mentioned), but seeing this I wanted to check again more thoroughly.我以前遇到过这个问题,但找不到解决方案(最终使用了你提到的请求),但看到这个我想更彻底地再次检查。

Reviewing the uvicorn and fastapi repositories by searching the code itself, I see no functions/code that reference requests or urllib (they do use urllib.parse / quote , etc though) that would be 2 likely suspects to build requests.通过搜索代码本身来查看uvicornfastapi存储库,我没有看到任何函数/代码引用requestsurllib (尽管它们确实使用urllib.parse / quote等),这两个可能是构建请求的嫌疑人。 They do use httpx.AsyncClient , but only in tests.他们确实使用httpx.AsyncClient ,但仅在测试中使用。 I would expect to see some use of these libraries in the main uvicorn / fastapi libraries if they had code to make external requests.我希望在主要的uvicorn / fastapi库中看到这些库的一些使用,如果它们有代码来发出外部请求的话。

Seeing the above, I actually think I will change my code to use httpx.AsyncClient anyways since it is already a dependency.看到上面的内容,我实际上认为我会更改我的代码以无论如何使用httpx.AsyncClient ,因为它已经是一个依赖项。

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