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[英]How to return the vaules of several variables based on the minimum value in a specific group

I'm working with the database in the titanic library.我正在使用泰坦尼克号图书馆中的数据库。

The columns names (variables) are as follows: Age Name (string) String (integer 0/1)列名(变量)如下: Age Name (string) String (integer 0/1)

I would like to find the youngest and the oldest passenger who survived and to print their Name with their age.我想找到幸存的最年轻和最年长的乘客,并用他们的年龄打印他们的名字。 The bold one it the part I can't to get around.大胆的是我无法绕过的部分。

This is the code I came up with to find the min/max Age of survivors df = passengers2这是我想出的代码,用于查找幸存者的最小/最大年龄 df = passengers2

min(passengers2[passengers2$Survived==1,]$Age, na.rm=TRUE)
max(passengers2[passengers2$Survived==1,]$Age, na.rm=TRUE)

one way, using {dplyr} and the pipe:一种方法,使用 {dplyr} 和 pipe:


titanic_train |>
  filter(Survived == 1) |>
  slice(which.min(Age), which.max(Age)) |>
  select(Name, Age)
                                  Name   Age
1      Thomas, Master. Assad Alexander  0.42
2 Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry Wilson 80.00

evaluate per sex:按性别评估:

titanic_train |>
  filter(Survived == 1) |>
  group_by(Sex) |>
  slice(which.min(Age), which.max(Age)) |>
  select(Name, Age)
# A tibble: 4 x 3
# Groups:   Sex [2]
  Sex    Name                                   Age
  <chr>  <chr>                                <dbl>
1 female Baclini, Miss. Helene Barbara         0.75
2 female Andrews, Miss. Kornelia Theodosia    63   
3 male   Thomas, Master. Assad Alexander       0.42
4 male   Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry Wilson 80 


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