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是否可以使用 Regex 过滤 ThreadContextMap 的键值对?

[英]Is it possible to filter key-value pairs of a ThreadContextMap with a Regex?

Hi all & Happy New Year!大家好,新年快乐!

I wish to filter certain logs if the "env" key in the ThreadContextMap has a value of prod1 or qa1 .如果ThreadContextMap中的“env”键的值为prod1qa1 ,我希望过滤某些日志。 I already have something like the following set up:我已经有类似下面的设置:

<Console name="prodOutput" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
    <PatternLayout pattern="..."/>
        <ThreadContextMapFilter onMatch="DENY" onMismatch="NEUTRAL" operator="or">
            <KeyValuePair key="ENV" value="qa1"/>
            <KeyValuePair key="ENV" value="prod1"/>

But this code "hardcodes" the values prod1 & qa1 .但是这段代码“硬编码”了值prod1 & qa1 In spirit of making the code extensible, I wanted to filter out those logs if they match the regex of "prod\d+" or "qa\d+" .本着使代码可扩展的精神,我想过滤掉那些匹配正则表达式"prod\d+""qa\d+"的日志。

Values that would match these regex's include "prod1" , "qa2" .与这些正则表达式匹配的值包括"prod1""qa2"

This is because we don't want those certain logs to appear on production & qa environments这是因为我们不希望那些特定的日志出现在生产和质量检查环境中

In the ThreadContextMap , the key-value pairs we're checking for is ENV - prod1 or ENV - qa1 .ThreadContextMap中,我们要检查的键值对是ENV - prod1ENV - qa1

I tried searching on StackOverflow as well as the log4j2 documentation but there doesn't seem to be any mention of how such a thing can be done.我尝试在 StackOverflow 和 log4j2 文档上进行搜索,但似乎没有提及如何完成这样的事情。

Would anyone have any ideas on how I can approach this?有人对我如何解决这个问题有任何想法吗? Thanks for any inputs:) Am open to alternative ideas as well!感谢您的任何投入:)我也对其他想法持开放态度!

I managed to find a workaround solution, where I instead apply the regex to the value being inserted into the ThreadContextMap我设法找到了一个变通解决方案,我改为将正则表达式应用于插入到ThreadContextMap中的值

This way, I only ever have to check for 2 values in the ThreadContextMapFilter , prod & qa这样,我只需要检查ThreadContextMapFilterprodqa中的 2 个值

This solution is satisfactory enough as it works & meets the requirements we had.这个解决方案足够令人满意,因为它可以工作并满足我们的要求。 For those curious, it looks something like this:对于那些好奇的人,它看起来像这样:

private String environment;
// check environment against regex
boolean matchesProdRegex = Pattern.matches(".*prod.*", this.environment);
boolean matchesQaRegex = Pattern.matches(".*qa.*", this.environment);
if (matchesProdRegex ) {
  ThreadContext.put("ENV", "prod");
} else if (matchesQaRegex ) {
  ThreadContext.put("ENV", "qa");
} else {
  ThreadContext.put("ENV", this.environment);

Consequently in log4j2.xml , the ThreadContextMapFilter looks something like:因此在log4j2.xml中, ThreadContextMapFilter看起来像这样:

<Console name="prodOutput" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
    <PatternLayout pattern="..."/>
        <ThreadContextMapFilter onMatch="DENY" onMismatch="NEUTRAL" operator="or">
            <KeyValuePair key="ENV" value="qa"/>
            <KeyValuePair key="ENV" value="prod"/>

Thanks to anyone that took the time to read my post & hope this can be a useful reference for anyone in the future, cheers!感谢所有花时间阅读我的帖子的人,希望这对以后的任何人都有用,干杯!

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