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按列 header 而不是字母表格式化

[英]Formating by column header instead of alphabet

I want to do some column formatting but column position is changing every time so how can i use column header instead of Column Alphabet?我想做一些列格式化,但列 position 每次都在变化,所以我如何使用列 header 而不是列字母表?

Sub Excel_Format()
    Selection.NumberFormat = "0"
End Sub

You need to start defining a Name for your column.您需要开始为列定义名称。 The quickest way to do it is to select the column (Column J in this case) and enter a name in the range/cell selector on the top-left part of your Workbook.最快的方法是转到 select 列(在本例中为 J 列),然后在工作簿左上角的范围/单元格选择器中输入名称。 See image below:见下图:


I have named the column to "MyColumn".我已将该列命名为“MyColumn”。 You can now use this as a reference in your code, like this:您现在可以将其用作代码中的参考,如下所示:

Sub Excel_Format()
    Dim Rng As Range

    Set Rng = ActiveSheet.Range("MyColumn")
    Rng.NumberFormat = "0"
End Sub

Even if you add or remove columns to the left of column J, the reference to MyColumn will remain correct即使您在列 J 的左侧添加或删除列,对 MyColumn 的引用仍将保持正确

Please, try the next way.请尝试下一种方法。 You can use it for any header, only adapting the used constant:您可以将它用于任何 header,只需调整使用的常量:

Sub Excel_Format()
    Dim ws As Worksheet, RngH As Range
    Const myColName As String = "ColumnX" 'your column header
    Set ws = ActiveSheet 'use here your necessary sheet
    Set RngH = ws.rows(1).Find(myColName)
    If Not RngH Is Nothing Then
        With RngH.EntireColumn
            .NumberFormat = "0"
        End With
        MsgBox myColName & " could not be found in the sheet first row..."
    End If
End Sub

The header should exist in the first sheet row . header 应该存在于第一个工作表行中。 If not, you should adapt ws.rows(1).Find( writing the necessary row, instead of `...如果不是,你应该调整ws.rows(1).Find(写必要的行,而不是 `...

Selecting, activating in such a context only consumes Excel resources, not bringing any benefit.在这样的情况下选择、激活只会消耗Excel资源,并没有带来任何收益。

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